00:15:26 Andrea Tittelova: Yes, Kristine is our goat, the great of all times:) As many of us. Welcome everyone, dear ladies. You all look amazing. 00:16:09 Andrea Tittelova: That’s fantastic Kristine. Welcome Kristine’s mum 00:17:19 Kristine Morris: Well thank you Andrea. Love you! 00:19:45 Vanessa Jeny: Such beautiful personal stories filled with love and admiration as introductions. 00:20:29 Ange Wallace: Megan! I am an occupational therapist in AB! 00:23:09 Megan Stock: Ange - we will need to connect! :) 00:27:27 Ania Malewicz: Thanks for saying that Michelle! I'm still trying to figure myself out too :) 00:30:29 Jennifer von Berendt: YES! That speaks to me... like we are trying to hard to fit into a mold that is based on stressful striving rather than FLOW... 00:30:31 Kristine Morris: For example my passion is animals. Plain and simple, but profound. 00:31:39 Kristin Ovrum: One of my passions is joining as a lapdog… 00:32:57 Kristine Morris: And for those who are not 'earning money', you can still incorporate your passions and talents into your life. You will still be able to bring joy to yourself and those around you. 00:33:04 Andrea Tittelova: And you/ we can all start playing with that. The passions can be playful for us. 00:34:56 Leslie Sim: My passions, talking to the animals, and insects, the angels and connecting in deep conversations with the people around me 00:35:27 Tania/Tatiana Horniakova: great, can be this quote posted on RYBL group ? thanks 00:42:17 Vanessa Jeny: There are a few of us who are very passionate about ANIMALS! 00:42:43 Kristine Morris: Kristin you are my kind of gal!! 00:43:22 Vanessa Jeny: I LOVE TO DANCE TOO!!! 00:43:32 Vanessa Jeny: AND THE GUITAR! 00:43:43 Leslie Sim: I love to dance like a 2 year old! such freedom! 00:44:35 Miroslava Fövényes: Dancing is my passion as well 💃 I do belly dancing and used to do folk dance when I was a child 00:44:37 Vanessa Jeny: Im the girl you see when you are stopped at traffic lights in the car behind you who is singing and dancing on her own in her car, lol 00:44:59 GIFEW - Katherine Longhi: Really important ladies - don’t go to the HOW with your passions 00:45:12 Kristin Ovrum: Vanessa and Kristine - we have to speak! 00:45:18 elizabethmussalati: Love what you say, Anya! I see you travelling as the gypsy in the backyard of the world, dancing your dreams! Elizabeth 00:45:43 Kristine Morris: Kristin and Vanessa - YES! 00:46:23 Lori: Ania, I ask myself, how does it get any better than this? Then see what happens with an open heart. 00:47:07 Andrea Tittelova: Ange, I love it. Anna the same. We can have a talk about this and enjoying it and enjoying the passions:) 00:47:37 Ania Malewicz: Yes thank you! I've been exploring changing careers from social work to Occupational Therapy, and I feel I can incorporate wilderness into it (going into head again!) 00:49:01 Kristine Morris: Ania, try to not to go into your head with this; I would love to chat about this more with you. 00:49:13 Andrea Tittelova: Thanks Ange 00:49:24 Andrea Tittelova: I love how much you love your job being a pediatrics 00:49:31 Leslie Sim: I am in construction zone in my house and not always on video because I am in my garage because of noise and disruptions and disruptions with my internet. 00:49:56 Leslie Sim: Ange, love who you are for children AND for people and connections 00:50:09 Andrea Tittelova: It’s been great to see your passion when you shared about your practice as the pediatrician. 00:50:23 Marie Soprovich: Thanks Ange, explore what lights you up in your work. the love of what you do. what's under that? Passion! I love it! 00:51:18 Kristine Morris: And Laura is a great gardener - and I love reaping the benefits of her bounty! 00:51:20 Marie Soprovich: Adventure is a passion - do you have a passion for learning? I have such a passion for learning. 00:54:48 Lou Kurjata: Here’s a new word for everyone - plurking = play + work 01:01:19 Vanessa Jeny: I’m a DYNAMO - STAR! 01:04:59 Vanessa Jeny: I love that description of a Dealmaker 01:05:02 Jennifer von Berendt: Me too, Vanessa, STAR as well! So interesting! Everyone, I have to go to my next meeting - so grateful for you all, looking forward to the next one and to connecting in between! 01:06:20 Michelle Wright: I really fought my talent profile as being me - need to dwell in that 01:07:47 Vanessa Jeny: Michelle it can take time….in my case it took a long time to see how I resonated with the Star profile. There are different aspects to each profile some aspects may resonate more than others. 01:08:42 Michelle Wright: Thanks Vanessa - really in wonder - is this who I really am and what I didn't see show up is who is I've been being. Time will tell. 01:09:04 Jennifer Hareuther: Michelle I'm denying that's who I am in my profile! lol 01:09:11 Michelle Wright: Yay Jennifer! 01:09:21 Vanessa Jeny: In my case it sounded great but I couldn’t see how it was going to serve me moving forward to work and love on purpose (its took me years to be fair, it probably won’t take that long) 01:10:07 Vanessa Jeny: But then I have been on quite a journey as we all are and only have come back to it in the last 6 months and now can see how it will serve me moving forward. 01:10:48 Vanessa Jeny: I think the key is just that - to sit on it and see how it can serve you rather than seeing how you fit into it so to speak. 01:11:27 Ros Cook: It makes total sense that I would find myself described as a peace maker - I have a lot of respect for the I Ching, but I am horrified to see Trump and Murdoch hailed as examples to learn from - their values are so opposite to mine - a whole different understanding about how to create value and ‘peace’ 01:11:54 Jennifer Hareuther: Love that Vanessa! 01:12:29 Laura Cameron: We resist labelling as it infers static being, being one dimensional. We are all of these characteristics but may be more comfortable in a few ways of being. 01:12:42 Andrea Tittelova: That’s so beautiful to meet you Marie as a mum of Kristine 01:12:53 Marie Soprovich: As we discover who we are really there is so much to be curious about. We may have been living someone else's idea of who we are because of our conditioning. This is a very worthwhile conversation with self and others. Who am I really? so powerful. 01:13:59 Vanessa Jeny: Really all these profiles are clues for us…. The primary profile indicates primary expressions that come to us easily and the secondary are supporting wings so to speak. 01:14:08 Kristine Morris: Marie, I think the word "curious" is perfect. I encourage everyone to get curious about themselves without judgement. There is no right or wrong. 01:14:23 Vanessa Jeny: I did my test 10 years ago 01:14:50 Ros Cook: Can’t hear anything? 01:15:06 Ros Cook: Ok now 01:16:07 Andrea Tittelova: It brings you a flow and also it is a path of the least resistance. 01:16:07 Andrea Tittelova: :) 01:17:00 Jennifer Hareuther: Vanessa did you do the test again and did you see any changes? 01:17:31 Tania/Tatiana Horniakova: i did a profile with my husband on the phone, asking .him opinion in some questions where i was not sure where it felt that 2 or 3 answers are right and i has to choose just one 01:17:44 Kristine Morris: Elizabeth you sound like such a curious soul! I love this. It makes things like the talent dynamics more difficult. I invite you to get curious without judgement as to whether the answers are 100% right or 100% wrong. 01:18:06 Vanessa Jeny: I’ve done it three times. First came out a Star, then 8 years later a Creator (when I did the health Dynamics test) then again did the TD test and it came out a Star 01:18:26 Vanessa Jeny: So perhaps in the Health Dynamics test I changed a few answers. But it was all basically the same graphics result 01:18:43 Vanessa Jeny: ……. 01:18:46 Carol Secord: Helping me find the path of least resistance - I like that. As I get to know this profile system I see where my conditioning blocks are and possibility opens up 01:19:44 Andrea Tittelova: I am happy to share and talk to anyone of you, gorgeous ladies, how a discovery of my real talent profile has changed my life… Or is changing my life constantly. You are all awesome. 01:19:58 Vanessa Jeny: Its interesting because different types of profile tests generate slightly different answers and highlight different skill sets 01:20:10 Vanessa Jeny: I feel that as women we are Chameleons as Bea says. 01:20:26 Vanessa Jeny: We are soo good at filling the need in a variety of situations 01:20:43 Vanessa Jeny: Yes like Andrea Im also happy to chat to anyone about this so reach out 01:21:18 Andrea Tittelova: Sure, Vanessa, let’s agree on an hour via messenger. 01:21:33 Andrea Tittelova: I am looking forward a lot 01:21:46 Ros Cook: Me too - Trump and Murdoch! 01:22:23 Theo harasymiw: being curious about this helps 01:22:32 Vanessa Jeny: Yes I was going to say… you say something in the group now Andrea! 01:22:38 Andrea Tittelova: Ange, let’s connect together 01:22:50 elizabethmussalati: Thanks, Kristine! will do it just playful … 01:23:18 Kristine Morris: I am a Star profile and it resonates 100% with who I am. Happy to speak with anyone about this. 01:23:30 Ania Malewicz: I'd like to connect as well Andrea! I came up as Supporter but I am more of a dealmaker in the sense I connect 1-1 01:23:37 Theo harasymiw: I would love to connect with other Creators 01:24:05 Jennifer Hareuther: Bea I love that! let's remember to play and use it as a catalyst to discover something new about ourselves, not to determine who we are! 01:24:15 Ros Cook: Happy to connect Andrea and the fellow Dealmakers one to one is best ! 01:24:38 Leslie Sim: I am a supporter although my dealmaker and star are not far behind 01:24:46 Marie Soprovich: Hey Theo! Miss Glenise is a Creator as well. it is no wonder you two are like a house on fire. I am a star and own it! LOL.. 01:25:33 Laura Cameron: I would like to connect with creator/mechanic peeps. 01:25:42 Theo harasymiw: That opens up so much, Marie! 01:25:45 Andrea Tittelova: Res, just let’s set up that hour for the call. 01:25:51 Andrea Tittelova: Ros I meant:) 01:26:25 Ros Cook: Thanks yes Andrea will message you 01:27:10 Carol Secord: This profile system is very interesting to me as I reflect different key people in my past career - work and volunteer leadership settings. 01:27:14 Megan Stock: I’m a Trader and I am still processing how that applies in my life. I look forward to exploring how I can use this information to help identify and clarify my passions. 01:28:06 Carol Secord: This has given me persmission to value what I bring and what other people are gifted to contribute 01:28:07 Vanessa Jeny: Exactly Meghan that’s the way to approach it 01:29:56 Marie Soprovich: This is such a fertile ground for us to explore and inquire. It's a big deal! 01:30:22 Lou Kurjata: My 2 talent profiles are the same as was the career assessment tests I took in high school was the same I took when I needed to make a career change 22 yrs apart. Tweeked that one and landed in a career that nourished my soul for many years. Refining again to move forward. 01:35:28 Carol Secord: mY HEART IS POURING OPEN > it is a gift to open and to integrate into expression 01:35:59 Vanessa Jeny: So beautiful Carol! 01:37:04 Ange Wallace: Home for Your Soul made me tear up. Wow 01:37:15 Andrea Tittelova: Pure honesty and authenticity 01:37:28 Leanne McCarthy: Thank you everyone. This was a pleasure! 01:37:43 Marie Soprovich: Stay brave and stay curious! 01:37:44 Susan McKenney: I can't believe it's going to be 2 weeks for our next get together! 01:37:57 Lori: Thank you. 01:38:33 Leslie Sim: I have to run! Would love to stay...and be with you all! 01:39:14 Tania/Tatiana Horniakova: music was great, like being on holiday or party, without worries and stresses 01:39:30 Lou Kurjata: I got up and danced! 01:39:32 Sandra Deakin: Have to go lovely ladies thank you Bea and Katherine for this beautiful inspiring session see you all soon X 01:39:43 Megan Stock: I’m creating a GIFEW Songs Playlist! :)